
Naturopathy is a system of alternative medicine which treats the diseases through the use of natural therapeutic methods.

The philosophy of the Naturopathy is mainly based on the self healing power of the human body and it works on the following six principles.

1. Vis Medicatrix Naturae
2. ToIle Causam
3. Primum Non Nocere
4. Docere
5. Treat the Whole Person
6. Prevention

Naturopathy is capable of treating both Acute and Chronic diseases, the outcome of the treatment mainly depends on the response of the individual human body towards Naturopathysystem. Naturopathy is practised worldwide, with varying standards and practices. Generally Naturopathic modalities may include nutritional medicine, dietetics, therapeutic fasting, supplements of mineral, animal and botanical origin, manipulative therapies, acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, reflexology, yoga therapy,magneto therapy, chromotherapy, massage, mud therapy, hydro therapy, physiotherapy, electrotherapy, therapeutic exercise, homeopathy and minor surgery. 

Naturopathic physician uses the conventional medical diagnosis as well as traditional diagnosis for the practice. A typical naturopathic treatment starts with a comprehensive consultation and diagnosis of the root cause. The first line of treatment is usually detox, followed by specific natural therapeutic modalities and finally with the measures to promote the positive health. Naturopathic treatment usually contains a lot of education and counselling to the patient about the positive dietary and  lifestyle measures.