Acupuncture is the part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and it is almost 1000 years old practice. Though not the entire TCM, but the Acupuncture has been recognised by WHO for its therapeutic effects upon various ailments. Acupuncture works on a unique philosophy that there is a vital energy called 'Qi' which flows throughout the body through 12 channels called meridians. Any blockage of these energy flow results in diseases, and this will be released by penetrating metal needles on the specific spots called Acupuncture points. Acupuncture proves beneficial with various conditions.
The practice of Modern and traditional acupunturists are bit different, Modern acupuncturists, place the needle as per the symptom or disease, whereas traditional practitioners choose the points as per the energy disruptions through the pulse and tongue diagnosis rather than symptomatic approach. Acupuncture experts treat with 'single needle therapy' instead of decorating with needles.It is said that Acupunture is derived from 'Marma Chikitsa' / 'Varma Kalai', an ancient healing system originated in India. Reflexology & Acupressure are also the variants of Acupuncture.
In Kerala Naturopathy Centre, Acupuncture is practiced scientifically by diagnosing the energy imbalances of the meridians using cutting edge medical technology.
The practice of Modern and traditional acupunturists are bit different, Modern acupuncturists, place the needle as per the symptom or disease, whereas traditional practitioners choose the points as per the energy disruptions through the pulse and tongue diagnosis rather than symptomatic approach. Acupuncture experts treat with 'single needle therapy' instead of decorating with needles.It is said that Acupunture is derived from 'Marma Chikitsa' / 'Varma Kalai', an ancient healing system originated in India. Reflexology & Acupressure are also the variants of Acupuncture.
In Kerala Naturopathy Centre, Acupuncture is practiced scientifically by diagnosing the energy imbalances of the meridians using cutting edge medical technology.