Post Stroke & Dementia; 75 yrs old Lady.

5 months back, soon after we opened Kerala Naturopathy Clinic in Kumbakonam, I was requested to visit a lady patient at her home in Sarangapani Sannadhi, Kumbakonam by his son. Brief history as below:

Mrs. K, aged 75 yrs was an active and energetic lady till her 70’s, was residing in Malaysia, latter on moved to Kumbakonam, to stay with his son. Around 3 yrs back, she got a stroke (acute haemorrhagic infarct in the left hemisphere of the brain) resulted right sided hemiperesis and sensory deficits which left her crippling. Rushed to a well known super speciality hospital in Chennai, treated for a month with Medical management and Physiotherapy. Returned home, managed to do daily activities of life, of her own. So far So good.

While continuing on the medication, slowly she was developing Dementia, noted latter, with her cognitive and memory decline. Again back to the Neurologist in the same hospital in Chennai. He prescribed some medicines and advised her to be in the management of a local Neurologist to avoid repeated travel to Chennai. Returned to home and consulted a famous Neurologist in Kumbakonam. He too advised her to be on the same medicines with a note that, nothing could be done more, except adding physiotherapy. They have fixed the physiotherapist of the same hospital, where the Neurologist served, for home based physiotherapy. Despite of daily physiotherapy and medications of Neurologist, her condition was steady to deteriorate to finally settle her in the bed altogether.

Now, it was my turn to see her; Patient was on the water bed – fully bedridden – daily activities in the bed (Thanks to adult diaper!), remember nothing, speaks nothing but screams often, stiff right leg and hand with no active movements, no touch, taste and smell sensations, 3 persons – Daughter in law, grand daughter and a healthy helper man’s  combined effort needed, if at all, wanted to move her off bed. God has granted a single comfort as she swallows whatever the food placed in her mouth, thus no need of tube feeding.

75 yrs old bedridden lady, A family in distress, A desperate son and I am in the middle!

It was not uncommon to see such scenarios since I have started working with the neurological assignments. I have prescribed a month program for her at the convenience of her home.

The treatment plan designed for her is an integrative approach of Naturopathy, Kerala style Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (three distinct alternative medicinal systems), which had three lines as below:

First - Loosening of stiffened joints and muscles
Second - Strengthening the muscles and bones
Third - Improve the cognitive functions.

Our first line of treatment involved poultice massage, prepared with loosening herbal  powder mixtures, oils and Magneto therapy. Second line of treatment involved poultice massage with fried fresh medicinal leaves and medicinal grains boiled in herbal milk decoction. Third line of treatment involved special head pack with ayurvedic medicines, shiro abhyanga, oral herbal medications and computerised acupuncture.

As we knew, the treatment plan is a perfect one for managing post Stroke cases and Dementia, her age factor remained a challenge. Administering the program wasn’t easy, as we have to face some hardships like fever onset, cough and phlegm disorder and general weakness. Though we could able to excel with our skills and experience.

Her body responded to the program well and at the end of the course, she was able to walk with the help of a single person (little grand daughter!). Started eating with her hand, once the food plate is given to her. Started recognising the peoples with slurred speech. Above all, started using the toilet to the nature’s calls, as a great relief of entire family.

Thank God, The healing was amazing! She was advised for step down and booster sessions at periodic intervals to maintain and progress the improvement.